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Nissan NV200 Radio Wiring

  • City: Vancouver BC
  • Listed: 2019-07-10 10:38 pm
  • Expires: 7958 days, 5 hours
Radio connectorNissan 28185Stereo Speaker hookupFL PinkGray and BlueGrayFR  RedGray and GreenGraySpeaker frontSpeaker rearRearBasicNV200


I’m installing an aftermarket hi-power stereo in my 2013 Nissan NV200. Those tiny pins on the low-power NV200 radio main white connector are not big enough to handle a 100 watt speaker or 8 amps of power. Therefore I’m not going to use a ready made connector speaker adapter because it just adds more weak links in the chain. Much better to wire/splice straight into the main wires on the connector itself. Another advantage of doing things this way, it leaves the female end of the connector open for hooking up the 3 wires needed for the steering wheel audio control buttons and posted on this website in another post.

Don’t know what’s going on but none of the online wiring diagrams matched my radio so I’m putting the actual photos and wiring that I have on mine in case someone else has the same problem. My NV200 radio is a Model 28185 as shown in the photo.

NOTE: I realized after I drew the wiring diagram, that I numbered the connectors from the front of the connector, so the orientation will be correct but the numbered pins might be opposite if some connectors are shown from the wire side. Not the way I was used to seeing them in the real world of industrial electronics connectors. At any rate the color of the wire will not change so you can verify with that and I also included an official photo someone sent me and it’s the correct layout from a service manual.

Mine just had the basic radio so there are lots of unused wires. One slot is completely empty as noted in the photo. Also unplugging the other small white radio connectors made no difference. Again this is probably only used in the Navigation Deluxe model. So all you need is the one large white plug connector and the antenna black plug.

As far as I can tell there are only the front 2 speakers wired on the plug because the NV200 only has 2 speakers in the vehicle. THat’s fine because I just ran 2 extra wires for the rear speakers when I installed my new Sony stereo. I guessed the speaker polarity as being + and – in matching patterns on the plug–that is to say, left speaker – is pink/grey, and right speaker – is red/grey, and FL + is blue/grey, and FR + is green/grey. It sounded fine when hooked up, but I will check someday if I remove the door panels…just look at the wire colors on the speakers themselves…should be labeled + and –

Update…speaker wires are different colors.. when
I decided to change the 2 front speakers today with new Alpine 5 inch speakers. They fit nicely. I noticed something weird though…the wire colors leaving the Radio, are NOT the same color as the ones on the speaker…there must be a connector somewhere in between. Anyway, another weird thing I noticed is the stock NV200 speakers are 2 ohm speakers, while all new speakers are usually 4 ohms. In other words your best changing all the speakers if your upgrading to a new system or the new rear speakers will not be matched to the front ones. The 2 ohm speakers will be louder because the suck more power than a 4 ohm speaker…ohms law, but that in itself is not a problem because you can adjust the front/rear balance to adjust for this. Included are pictures of the Nissan speakers.

Antenna — That funny looking black plug is the antenna. My new Sony deck had a normal antenna plug so I ordered an adapter online from Ebay but it did not work very good at all. Poor reception. I discovered the stock Nissan antenna will not work for a normal stereo system properly because the Nissan antenna is a different impedance as it is also being used for GPS and Navigation. You can tell this by the wires it uses. It isn’t compatible with a 75 ohm standard antenna cable. Anyway, easy fix, just install another standard automotive antenna, I put a small one on the passenger side fender, works good, now I can get rid of that thing on the roof.

Ad Reference ID: 1545d26c7bdc47bc

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