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Automatic Foot Clutch

  • City: Richmond
  • Listed: 2016-01-02 4:07 pm
  • Expires: 6862 days, 19 hours
dashpulley magnetclutch mech side1clutch mech side2cluthch downbutton


I built this contraption to push in the clutch when I had a bad ankle. It worked fine for shifting but I had to use the foot clutch as normal when starting out— too jerky. The motor is from a car window motor and bolted under the dash. Then there is steel cable to a pulley belo and attached to the foot clutch. To activate the clutch/motor, I push in a button that you can see on the shifting lever which pulls the clutch down. I installed a magnetic door contact that you can see on the top round wheel in some of the pictures. This stops the clutch/motor at the top and bottom of travel. I’ll post a video when I can find it.

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